About Urology Menu
Our mission statement
eMedicore Urology was created by a collaboration between academic and community urologists as a resource to educate patients about latest procedures, diseases, conditions, and healthy lifestyles related to the field of urology. Our goal is to provide this service for free for patients and physicians.
How to benefit from eMedicore?
eMedicore Urology benefits both patients and physicians. Our site provides not only text and pictures, but also video and interactive presentations for information on different topics. eMedicore benefits physicians by maximizing efficiency, decreasing time spent on explanation of procedures, and providing a reference point for patients to turn to for post procedural care.
Many physicians save time on explaining procedures (such as vasectomies) by letting their patients watch video presentations of the procedures before the physicians enter the room for consultations. Furthermore, eMedicore is regularly updated by leading Board certified specialists eager to share and impart their knowledge to the community.